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Case Study

How LinkedIn Empowered Their Community to Drive Brand Engagement

Company LinkedIn Sales Solutions
Industry Hospitality
Solutions Content Marketing Influencer Marketing

About LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Together, LinkedIn Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Sales Insights comprise the LinkedIn deep sales platform. LinkedIn Sales Solutions is a Sales Intelligence platform that enables sales professionals to build and maintain relationships with their buyers at scale.


656 656 k+
in estimated reach
167 167 %+
above LinkedIn benchmark engagement rate
160 160 %+
above Twitter benchmark engagement rate


The team at LinkedIn Sales Solutions wanted to build a community of influential industry voices that could help them raise awareness, build trust, and—ultimately—maintain and improve their brand impact.


TopRank Marketing developed an always-on influencer engagement program for LinkedIn Sales Solutions. This strategy included social first campaigns co-created with influencers.


LinkedIn strengthened their connections with key marketing influencers and expanded their influencer community through ongoing social media engagement to the audiences of nearly 40 engaged advocates.


Once TopRank launched the campaign, LinkedIn Sales Solutions was able to share brand stories that created mutual value for the brand and influencers alike by showcasing influence expertise and driving conversations on LinkedIn.


Over six weeks the Authenticity in Sales influencer campaign drove elevated results:

  • 656k+ estimated reach from niche influencer activation
  • 167%+ benchmark LinkedIn engagement rate
  • 160%+ benchmark Twitter engagement rate


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